

Joining forces all over the world, migrant workers performed what is known as the Dance of the Peregrine today. Its said that this movement started what lateron would be called Indivicracy.

From around 2020, they referred to themselves as Roamers and wore masks as a symbol of unity and non-territoriality – an occurrence that would mark the emergence of Indivicracy.

Their featured dresscode soon started to be inspired by their blue-collar outfits and often shows so called Track Packs of the most particular shapes and forms.


First worn in 2041, Providers joined the Roamers‘ movement for ideological reasons. Living foremost in virtual realms, they had the technical knowledge to connect the world wide collective and came up with the Motio–Net. Joining the celebrative dances, they were recognisable in their black outfits and often wore typers – showing off their programming profession.

Upon introducing the Dronic Falcon – a peregrine falcon whom they fitted with surveillance and mobile adhoc network gear, all Roamers were linked and close ties established.



Recreationalists caused a crucial rise in numbers of people who joined the Indivicracy for the simple purpose of exploration. The majority were retirees of the settled society.

Their joining contributed to Indivicracie’s popularity and hence brought the collective to the attention of other political entities. As a result, first diplomatic relations started to evolve around 2060.


Only a few years later, Motionists established a famous cult: spectacular competitions which gathered settled and peregrine society started to take place. These new cultural highlights coincide with the historical moment when Indivicracy was partly accepted as new governmental organisation by the settled nations as so called specially defined travel permits guaranteed its members the freedom to roam.
